Find the difference in the string | Leetcode - 389 | String problem
You are given two strings s
and t
String t
is generated by random shuffling string s
and then add one more letter at a random position.
Return the letter that was added to t
Example 1:
Input: s = "abcd", t = "abcde"
Output: "e"
Explanation: 'e' is the letter that was added.
Example 2:
Input: s = "", t = "y"
Output: "y"
0 <= s.length <= 1000
t.length == s.length + 1
consist of lowercase English letters.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
import static;
public class LC_389_FindTheDifference {
* Approach - 1 - Using HashMap
* Used Stream API to build the HashMap
* Time Complexity - O(n) + O(m)
* Space Complexity - O(n)
* where n - length of s
* m - length of t
* @param s - String
* @param t - String
* @return char
public char findTheDifference_UsingHashMap(String s, String t) {
// Used Stream to generate frequency of each character in the string adn store it in the map
Map<Character, Long> map =""))
.collect(groupingBy(str -> str.charAt(0), counting()));
for(char ch : t.toCharArray()){
if(!map.containsKey(ch) || map.get(ch)<=0){
return ch;
map.put(ch, map.get(ch)-1);
return '#';
* Approach - 2 - Simple addition
* Since all characters in String 't' will be present in string 's'
* Add all characters in string t and subtract characters in string s
* Time Complexity - O(n) + O(m)
* Space Complexity - O(1)
* where n - length of s
* m - length of t
* @param s - String
* @param t - String
* @return char
public char findTheDifference(String s, String t) {
char result = 0;
for(char ch : s.toCharArray()){
result -= ch;
for(char ch : t.toCharArray()){
result += ch;
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
LC_389_FindTheDifference findDiff = new LC_389_FindTheDifference();
// Approach - 1
System.out.println("Approach - 1");
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference_UsingHashMap("a", "aa")); // 'a'
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference_UsingHashMap("aa", "aa")); // '#' - all characters are present
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference_UsingHashMap("abc", "aabc")); // 'c'
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference_UsingHashMap("abcd", "abcde")); //'e'
// Approach - 2
System.out.println("Approach - 2");
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference("a", "aa")); // 'a'
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference("aa", "aa")); // '#' - all characters are present
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference("abc", "aabc")); // 'c'
System.out.println(findDiff.findTheDifference("abcd", "abcde")); //'e'